NHSA Events


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This is the official Android app for the National Head Start Association's Conferences.NHSA’s 43rd Annual National Head Start Conference and Expo is the largest national event devoted to the Head Start and Early Head Start community. From May 16th - 20th, more than 5,000 executive directors, directors, administrators, managers, teachers, policy council members, and parents from every state and territory will gather in Nashville, Tennessee.
The Head Start and Early Head Start community is driven like none other to provide opportunities for success in the lives of our nation’s vulnerable children. Every year the Head Start community pulls together to discuss the latest developments, innovations, and obstacles in early learning and to inspire ideas for turning challenges into opportunities.
Beginning Head Start’s 51st year, we enter a new phase in Head Start’s history - and we find ourselves in the spotlight more than ever. The 2016 national conference provides the perfect opportunity to turn our sights and our imaginations toward the future and explore ways to drive Head Start’s mission even farther!